Naima is from Golden BC, and is sending daily journal entries. You are invited to read along as she walks.
i sit on the top of the hill overlooking Almaden de la Plata. The climb to this point is very, very steep. Every 20 m I have to stop and find my balance under the shade of the oak tree. The place where many piligrims have walked, leaned on, now and through the centuries.
It is very hot +30 and only 1pm.
From Castillo Blanco to here, I crossed a beautiful park. Oak, orange olive and flowering almond tree with a ground cover of many shades of green and wild flowers accompany me, on each steep.
In front and behind me there are a few piligrims, we all share this desire to be walking this Camino and we feel united.
2 from Holland, 4 from Germany, 2 swiss, 5 spanish, myself and a 78 year old man from NY that has a very tired looking body and carries 2 liters of milk. (Not a good idea in this heat, but...he does)
This is my 3rd day of walking and my body and feet feeling the km's. that I have covered.
My first Camino in the north, was 9 years ago, the Portugues 8 and a short other Camino 5 years ago. I can definatelly feel the difference from then, to now. Then, I could easilly walk 25-30 km comfortably, now 20-25. Also I have never walked in such hot days....The years and temperatures are speaking to my body and I listen.
My pack is a bit heavy, without food or water 7.5 kg. Yesterday I sent to Barcelona a pack of 700 gr. Now I carry just essentials.
In the distance I hear the church bells of Almaden de la Plata, where I will stop and stay at albergue and complete my day of 20.5 km
Almaden de la Plata, a place where in the pre-historic times they extracted malaquite and other minerals. This was 3000 bc I read that there are some prehistoric caves in the hills around with paintings and engravins, but I don't think any of us piligrims have the energy to go see them and instead we share wine and tapas in the cafè in front the church.
A small village all painted white, children playing in the shade, storks making their nest in the bell towers. It is beautiful. I am happy and thankful to be here. Tomorrow on my way to Real de la Jara. I will have walked my first 100 km. 902 km to Santiago
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