I woke up to light snow, the sky is clear, about -5c and I break the ice in the puddles, with my walking stick, as I walk.
At 8 am I was ready to go and ready for my walking day. Today I am going to Fuenteroble approx 20 km. I feel great, energized, after my quiet afternoon by the fireplace yesterday and all the great food, I ate.

Fuenterobles is a small village, ~200 people live here, has a church, one bar, a store and a very interesting museum -interpreter center created by Father Blas, a school, farm land all around, and of course grazing pigs, horses and cows.
The albergue is very special, everyone walking VDLP has read about Father Blas and I am very happy to be here. He dedicates his life to running a children's school, a home for the old people, his parish area and this albergue for peregrinos. He is in his mid 40's and has a very serene aproach to everything.
There are different peregrinos today, some I have shared meals and walked with, others have just appeard. We are eight sitting by the fireplace in a very cozy room filled and I mean filled !! with books, paintings, carvings and art work of all kinds, that piligrims have created during the 20 years that this albergue has been open.
The albergue is all managed by donations, all the meals are provided and together we sit and eat in this great room, by the fireplace, next to the kitchen.
The dormitory rooms all have pot belly wood stoves, and the hospitalero keeps the fires going. When I first came into the albergue I was cold and tired from walking and I chose a bed, in a very warm room. Later I wondered if it would be too hot to sleep at night.
The beds, blankets...everything is very simple, but the caring intention is so present and peaceful all around.
We had an incredible meal, BQ pork ribs cooked over the fireplace, pasta and salad. All of us: 4 men from Germany, an Icelandic, a Dutch woman, a Spanish man and myself together with the hospitalero, have a very enjoyable evening accompanied by tea and wine.
When I went to bed I questioned if being in such a warm room, may be a breeding grown for little creatures...but it was too late to change beds, closed my eyes and hoped for a quiet night.
When I woke up this morning, it was all fine, no little creatures and had a great night sleep.
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